If you aren’t caught up on my recent goings-on as of late, I had the honor of attending the 2023 Florida Pet Services Association Summit back in August. It was a great time for a variety of reasons and something I hope to return to for years to come. We learned so much more about the pet industry and its numerous professionals. 

One of those professionals is Amanda Hoskinson, owner of Pawsitive Pet Care. She was one of the very first people to approach us at our table after I had my presentation. To say we were equally thrilled to work with one another is an understatement. Amanda requested assistance in getting a new logo crafted for Pawsitive Pet Care, and we were the definition of rearing to go as soon as we understood her needs.

After the project was completed and her logo package had been sent over, I had asked if we could chat a little bit about her journey as a pet care business owner as well as about her finished result. 

You can read our conversation here:

Jasmine: Hi there! Thanks for joining me! Can you let me know a little bit about yourself and your business? Why choose a pet service business? 

Amanda: I chose a pet care business because St. Augustine really has a need for the services I offer. I have always had rescue animals and the thought of putting them back in a kennel setting when I travel or am away was not something I was looking for. I like that I can offer families peace of mind and a home away from home boarding experience.

Jasmine: Having a space for you in the market is important, but making sure you stand out is a task on its own. It’s been around a month… but you’ve since launched your new brand! Congratulations! How does it feel now that you’ve had your brand rejuvenated with a new logo? 

Amanda: It feels amazing! I love my logo, I think it fits me well and I am excited to get out there and start creating positive relationships with other pet businesses in the community.

Jasmine: Oh, relationships are SO important to us! What was your experience like working with our team for your logo redesign with Pawsitive Pet Services?

Amanda: It was wonderful. You have such wonderful and creative ideas. It was difficult to decide which one to go with! You guys were fast, effective, friendly and so lovely to work with.

Jasmine: Awww, you’re making me blush! We loved working with you too. Your logo turned out to be so fun and friendly. What do you love most about your logo design? We love the colors ourselves and think it’s really friendly and welcoming!

Amanda: I love how it makes me feel! It puts a smile on my face. It sends a positive message and I just love it!

Jasmine: You’ve been doing this a long time and we were so happy our paths crossed. What was the “lightbulb” moment that made you consider growing your business by implementing this new logo? It’s definitely scary trying to hit “reboot” on your brand!

Amanda: I didn’t want to use a stock photo/logo. I really wanted to create a brand and grow a business without using something that others may have.

Jasmine: We met not too long ago at an event I spoke at… it was such a joy! I heard the event was packed with useful information! What are your business goals now that you’ve come back from the FPSA inaugural summit? 

Amanda: I am working to promote and build clientele and to kick it off I had to have this logo! This was the jumpstart I needed for creating something that is mine. I am looking forward to continuing to promote within the community via local vets, groomers and other pet businesses and professionals.

Jasmine: What is an important trait for your business that you are proud to showcase for your clients?

Amanda: “Pet care with a personal touch”…. The slogan really hits the nail on the head.

Jasmine: Finally, if you have any advice for someone who is looking to hire a designer… What advice would you give them?

Amanda: Find someone that really understands your vision and that has open communication. I loved how great you were with helping to guide me and with helping me understand my vision. I expressed what I was looking for and you delivered!

If there’s one thing I learned after the Summit in August and working with Amanda over the last month, it’s this – I absolutely love working with people in the pet care industry! Of course I knew this to a degree thanks to having done design work for several pet professionals in the past, but my time with Pawsitive Pet Care solidified the enjoyment I have by helping build their brands and creating the images they envision.

Decelle Branding is always ready and willing to tap into markets and learn about businesses and industries we have not had the opportunity of working with in the past. Our most recent example would be with Mor-Stor Medical, a company that specializes in creating medical storage solutions for healthcare facilities across the country. We learned a lot about what a company like Mor-Stor Medical does, and we always absorb new knowledge like a sponge. 

So if we loved working with yet another pet professional so much that we want to take on more clients just like Amanda… where does that take us from here? Hm! Only time will tell!

All I have to say for now is to keep your eyes peeled on our social media for developments. In the meantime: are you interested in having us help YOU during the next chapter in your branding journey? Contact us today so that we can help develop something that wows you as much as we wow’d Amanda.