The Best Ways to Repurpose Your Content

by | Dec 13, 2022 | Branding, Copywriting | 0 comments

Let’s face it: you don’t have time to sit on social media or update your website every week. At this point, you’re a business owner who is feeling STUCK, right? The real struggle is chiseling around time to try and balance the time needed to get customers and show that your business is a reputable source in your field.

No worries, it’s not as difficult as you may think. If you’ve invested time thus far in creating stellar content, you can breath new life into it YEARS later! It’s simple: give it a new purpose and break it apart. Here are some ways to repurpose your content into a long-lasting part of your arsenal.

turn web content to social media posts

Your website should be a hub of all information on your business and the services you offer. I’m your #1 fangirl of having a rich and engaging website people love to stay on. If you haven’t developed your website with the following, I highly suggest you do so:

  • Individual service pages with details any customer would need to know

  • “About Me”/”About Us” pages with notable accomplishments of your business

  • Blog posts

Services pages can be broken apart and promoted on social media easily. For example, if you run a business for pest control, you can have a page for each of the types pest control you offer. These service pages rank into search engines (SEO), but can be linked on social media OR content from these pages can be highlighted in a graphic. One of my client’s recently launched a website redesign with this service page strategy in mind. Highlight one of your services a week at the very least on your social media to remind people ALL of your services. The content is already written well for search engines and will be meaty enough to share on social media!

This is an area where you can promote your team, your business history, and any worthwhile awards or achievements. If you have a team member certified in a specific field, promote your team member via social media to encourage transparency and highlight the difference your company has compared to its competitors. By being unapologetically confident with your “about” page, you’re able to show you are THE expert of your field.

One of the roots of your website should be blog posts geared towards your target audiences. Blog posts are great ways to help make your website perform better in search engines (SEO) but also to answer the questions your audience may have. Once these blog posts are created, check back every 6 or so months to make sure the content is fresh. If you have a handful of blog posts, posting them on social media encourages people back to your website and helps customers find the answers to some of their questions without trudging through FAQ pages.

    turn reviews into website content and social media

    Have you gotten a 5-star review that made your day? Don’t be shy about it! You can promote your business incredibly with REAL reviews from clients. There is a whole strategy behind review marketing, tied nicely with USER GENERATED CONTENT. UGC generates itself and can be used for marketing purposes — let your customers provide you with this content!

    Adding reviews to visible places draw customers in to consider your product or service past an admirer phase. The key to using reviews are to highlight them. For example, try placing reviews on your website on multiple pages so they organically read with the content of the page. On social media, posting a graphic or screenshot featuring a review will help showcase your devotion to a positive customer experience.

    Having trouble getting reviews? Do follow-ups after service or equip your staff with a testimonial program as part of their operations.

    turn presentations into blog posts

    If you’ve given presentations in the past, that content can live far beyond the event it was created for. Presentations are great baselines for expanding topics. On average, you can gather MANY blog posts from a presentation if your presentation is expansive. As mentioned, blog posts are amazing for boosting your presence online so why not utilize your old presentations to reach ONLINE audiences you were hoping to reach IN PERSON?

    To achieve this conversion, break your presentation apart and expand on a few of the meatier slides. If you have at least 300 words and a clear bit of information, you’re able to build a blog post on it!

    turn blog posts into videos

    Videos are great ways to use written content that has been sitting around for a while. Video marketing is larger than ever so jumping onto this trend is about being consistent and showing up on social feeds where attention has gravitated. For example, if you have a blog post on the different types of termites, an exterminator may go on video and discuss the differences between termites — pulling content directly from the blog post and expanding upon it.

    If you do not want to be featured on these videos, no worries — there are programs to create dynamic images and text overlays that convert into video!

    still feel overwhelmed?

    You’re not alone in this. There are no wrong ways to repurpose content, but you shouldn’t wrack your brain coming up with new stuff every week to promote. By working smarter and thinking of your audience first, you’re able to create content that can be repurposed for months and even years. Give me a call at 863-397-5545 or shoot me a message and I’ll be glad to get you started on the right path!

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    By Jasmine

    Jasmine is a Lakeland native that loves all things branding, web and nerd! When not working on her business, she can be found enjoying a few board games or video games with her husband, Justin. She is the proud mama to two dogs and four cats.